SOLD at Art in the Park
Images shown are low resolution for copyright purposes
760 x 760 Oil on canvas SOLD
A place that is holy
A place where you come to encounter the divine
A place that is safe
A place where protection abides
And so, hubby and I stand on the side of Lake Tekapo
There is cloud cover this evening
But the light is still deep and warm
Lake and mountains
Sky and land
The rocky shore adorned with a million lupine flowers
For just a moment, the evening sun breaks through
And all is illuminated
While I take photos of the lake and mountains
Hubby turns around, and takes one of the Good Shepherd Church
We came down South this spring to capture vistas of the landscape to paint
But weather and light have not been kind to us this trip
And of a few thousand photos
This is the only one that calls to my heart
This little stone church
The view from within the Church is glorious
But this scene I paint does not take in the lake and mountains
Instead it is looking back
This moment when the colours of the lupines have become translucent
Each stone and rock lit up
There is a cairn of stacked stones among the flowers
Speaking to those who have built it
Who have no doubt moved on
It speaks to all those who have stood here
Leaving a light footprint on this place
The shore was strewn with people in reverence,
On the evening that was the inspiration for this painting,
Taking photos of the lupines.
There was a shared awareness between us, of this moment of beauty.
The little stone church
Is simply another mound of stone
Built just a heartbeat earlier than the cairns
In a rougher time
When sanctuary was so needed
But sanctuary has always been needed
Those moments where we stop
Where we shelter
Where we remember that we are loved by a Good Shepherd
Where we remember that we are remembered
We are part of this glory
Part of this moment
The glory around us reminds us that we too are glories
The light that shines on the lake and mountains, rocks and flowers
Shines in us too
Sanctuary is here
Reminding us to stop
To know our worth
To breathe deep
To reflect the glory of creator
Of Universe
For me
To reflect the glory of The Good Shepherd
I am loved
I am sheltered
I am planted here
In this moment
The world may rage
The storms may brew
But beauty has never departed
Sanctuary is only as far away as the breath in our lungs
As the beat in our heart
This is our time
Our place
We are like the lupines
Glorious for but a moment
And then gone
But that moment was an eternal moment
The lupines will flower again next spring
But the ones I have painted here,
Each flower faithfully represented in colour and form
Will never be again
This is part of what makes them so precious
The stones of the Good Shepard Church remain
But the builders have long ago left this world
And yet the evening light still breaks thought the clouds this spring
SOLD at Art in the Park
To light up their work
I am reminded that what I do
As I live in this world each day
I leave a mark
This is my time
So I make sure I stop
Take in the beauty
Be lit by the light
Till I remember that I am part of it
Sanctuary is here
In this spacious place within me